Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sudden Lost, Half My Soul Fade Away

Dear Keeno (and Touru)

For me, you’re more than just a camera, you’re my greatest partner for the last 3,5 years. Even though I doubted you for the first time and put you as my second choice after D80, but I never felt that I’ve mistaken choosing you. You’re my sniper, you’re my eyes, and yes, you’re my boyfriend :’) *some people said so you know that, dear?

A photo taken for Indonesia Next Top Photographer (INTP) 2nd Round Selection, Describing My Self

Hey Keeno, I gonna miss everything about you, especially if I am reviewing our photograph. We learned so much, didn’t we? And We did share lots of moments. Me, together with you, was on one package. I guessed I barely put you away if you were already on my hand. We did stick each other ;p Oh, you know what, thing that I regret the most? I can’t ever again do our ritual, ritual I believe made every shot from you great, kiss you and whisper: “gimme your best shot” :*

And you Touru, almost 6 month I handed over you and I felt no regret. You’re Keeno best match, you’re Keeno perfect couple. You perfectly completed him. You’re absolutely great, you’re sharpness absolutely perfect and I, together with you and Keeno have no fear if we have to put side by side with those biggie waggie camera coz I knew that we can capture great pictures. I gonna miss seeing things in precise through your eyes, Touru.

So, for whoever the person that stole you, I hope he will still take care of you. And for whoever who will hand over you later, I hope he/she can make great photograph, just like we were.

Goodbye, greatest partner, take care *hugs*

Keeno’s last event was Dies Emas LFM ITB (50 year-anniversary) - taken from @geriazriel’s BB.

p.s 1:
Falcon and Albatros say Hi… They feel really, really sorry, yet he want to thank you a lot. If the thief didn’t take ou, he might open the cupboard and found Falcon inside. Thousand of thanks. He always pray for your good luck out there.

p.s 2:
We are just going to practice GND for the first time in the next holiday in Karimun Jawa :( Now I have to face that I will no longer be with you while I there….I can hardly imagine :’(

Things that were stolen from my room, Friday, March 4, 2011

1. Nikon D40 (S/N: 8053789)
2. kit 18-55mm (S/N: 2436052) +uv/CPL filter
3. Nikon 35mm fox f/1.8 mint!! (S/N: 2262300)+uv filter, .

ITU BARANG CURIAN. that’s mine

sisanya ada filter2:
- 3 Filter GND Hi Tech , mint <--- belom pernah dipake beneran lg T_T
- 1 filter warna gada merknya
- 1 filter Close Up lupa merknya apa
- 1 Filter Star 4 TianYa+ Holder
- Tempat filter
- Lens Pouch
- 1 SD Card VGen 2 GB + 1 San Disk 1 GB
- Kabel Data, tapi gak ori
- tas kamera lowe pro (udah bocel2)

Tapi chargernya amsih ada sama awa.

- Bodynya udah licin2 gt, tanda bayak perjuangan
- lensa 18-55 nya pita perak udah copot
- lensa 35 nya masi super mint. baru beli 6 bulan

Pokonya barang ane itu dimaling di kosan aku hari jumat pas solat jumat gan!!
(aku berangkat ngantor jam 10 trus katanya orang mencurgakannya keluar jam 1 dari kosan aku)

DI tutup lensa ama di tempat filter ada stiker si. Tapi kalo makhluk itu mau jual pasti dicopot.