Monday, November 8, 2010

Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011: Oscar Lawalata's Weaving Culture in collaboration with Laura Miles

The complete articles in English will be uploaded soon (Well, probably next week :p ). But if you want to read the article in Bahasa Indonesia, you can visit my another blog : Also in that blog too, I gonna make article each day during the Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011. 

Left to Right : From British Council, Laura Miles, Oscar Lawalata



And here was our great designer, Oscar Lawalata :)


Been A While...

I am sorry for all lazyness that herited inside me *sigh* that make me not uploading any photo piece for a quite long time. Actually i'd like to upload my story in Indonesian Next Top Photograper (INTP), yet.........
But anyway, during this week, I gonna upload some photo series from Jakarta Fashion Week 2010/2011 (JFW 11) event. Held on Pacific Place, Jakarta, this event is one of the biggest fashion event in Indonesia after Bali Fashion Week. 
So, I hope you enjoy the photo :) 


Friday, June 18, 2010

Apa itu Fotografi

Apa itu Fotografi

Fotografi adalah melukis dg cahaya.
Fotografi adalah Medium.

Medium visual, medium visualisasi, itulah fotografi bagi saya. Bukan sekedar pelepas rana menangkap cahya, tapi juga pelukis karya imaji otak.

Fotografi berbeda dari menggambar, melukis. Fotografi bukan sebuah lahan bagi jentik jentik berbakat dalam kuasan tangan, namun hasil dari latihan kerja keras dan team work.

Fotografi bisa menembus khayalan tanpa batas, tak terbatas seperti tangan menggoreskan garis dalam kanvas, tapi yg paling penting, fotografi adalah medium pelepas liar imajinasi manusia, yang tak terbatas pada ranah bakat, hanya terbatas pada usaha, kerja keras dan kerjasama.

Karena fotografi adalah medium, medium bagi semua yang mau berupaya :D

*jawaban lengkapnya untuk 1 pertanyaan di INTP 2010 yg tak terucap dengan baik :P

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Space Cadet

I made this post special for my friend, echaboy :D he always help me to re-check all my spelling in this blog :p

So, the person that i told you above is the drummer :D This time he was on stage with Space Cadet. They was performed near my house in Tangerang (Geez, I still amazed about how they could play here?!) Well anyway, here are the photos. It was a (very) small stage with a very minimum light and also a very minimum gear. I was using my D40 kit only and let Adobe Lightroom did the rest.

Visit the space cadet on twitter and facebook.


Space Cadet

Renato : Guitars & Vocals

Naldo : Guitars & Vocals
Andro : Bass & Vocals
Echaboy : Drums & Vocals

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Okay, i wont talk a lot. Here are photos that I took at Soundlicious event, held on Open Theater Dago Tea house Bandung at May 9, 2010. This event was initiated by Hima Administrasi Negara Padjajaran University. I also thanked Adhi Setyo for giving me the free pass, and also Japir for his 105mm fix lens. I didn't take White Shoes and the company and also Mocca because my battery was running out. So, enjoy. It was a really2 good show.

Baby Eats Crackers
The Trees and The Wild
Adhitia Sofyan
Endah N Rhesa

Hope you like it :D.


Soundlicious 2010 #5 : Galengan

Galengan is a music group which using bamboo as their instrument. They brought a a performance which combined some of Indonesia's culture in Soundlicious event.

Let save our heritage, TOGETHER!

Soundlicious 2010 #4 : Endah N Rhesa

This couple has been amazed me since I watched them for the first time at On The Night Like This. They are my favorite :D Love their songs, love their shows. Here they are:

Endah N Rhesa

Soundlicious 2010 #3 : Adhitia Sofyan

Let's have all mellow songs from Adhitia Sofyan, our single-guitar-musician.

Adhitia Sofyan

Soundlicious 2010 #2: The Trees and The Wild

Yep, it was rainy when they started to sing their first song. Yet the audience was awesome. They did really understand the meaning of idiom "sedia payung sebelum hujan". :D

and here they are :

The Trees and The Wild

You can visit them here.