Have you ever heard about blind worker before? I’m almost sure that the first thought comin’out of your mind is a masseur; blind masseur are all around us. Well, that ain’t wrong anyway, but do you know any other skill they have?
Yeah, that's right. They have very good ears! Any other?
Hmm, hmm hmmm..
Most of you will say,
"Blind men frequently ask for our money ".
Oh come on! You can’t even call it a job. But, have you heard about blind men graduated from university
“Yeah, i heard some, what are they doing then?”
THIS will answer some of your questions. Blind men, (tuna netra, in bahasa) do have potentials! Especially in hearing ability. Also, for some people, they communicate well. I called it Verbal Potency. Beside as masseur, we only know the blinds as musicians, teachers, and beggars. In fact, they have some other competences alongside what I wrote before.
Wanna proof? Watch this!
Do you believe that they are able to use the computer well? Yes, they do! Ever see any? Nope? I have! Although this ability needs software that helps them a lot, I see another potential. If they can use the computer well (as if they can see), why don’t they have an equal chance like us? The main problem for the blinds is they usually aren’t accepted in formal field. Well, some of them become teacher. But like I told you before, it is only for their community. The fact that they are as smart as us is neglected because their inability to see. Let me tell you something: THEY CAN.
Well, not in every work field you can put them into, but there are some kinds of job which really really benefits from their gift. I only discover some, but there are so many chances that there will be others. Who know??My final assignment is still far away from success, being effective, and well done. But why don’t WE, together, create a real one, an effective one, to make this campaign successful? Why don’t we, together with them, share experiences and give a chance to proof?

Not only in the name of humanity, but also for the power of equality.
Support this campaign by accessing the blog http://tuneinthelight.blogspot.com and follow the twitter @tuneinthelight.
Gear : Nikon D40 Kit with 18-55 mm
Canon 580 EX II using Starlite Wireless Trigger
Hansel Light Equipment
Well, this is not a pure photo-post. But, surely I did take the photo by myself. Enjoy, and believe: they can!
Further Reading:
Talents: (Btw, the tallent are not real blind men)
Mohamad Haekal
Geri Azriel S.
Yudhistira HT
Putra Indrapratama
Sylvina Dian WAP
Arriantia Yoewono
Thx To:
Grahadea Kusuf (The Infinite Labs)
Firmansyah Perdana
Bravo Mahendra
Aftah R.I
lukman Azis
Didi Tarsidi (PERTUNI)
Dedi Mulia
Hendra Jatmika
Reza Rahman M.
Prambors Bandung
and many others
Support this campaign by access the blog http://tuneinthelight.com and follow the twitter @tuneinthelight
yang ruang interview terlalu kelihatan editan-nya -_- di kejar deadline ya?
ReplyDeletesisanya sih bagus2 :D
sanggat terkonsep, pesan tersampaikan dengan baik. cocok jadi poster iklan
ReplyDeleteeko likes this !!! 10x
wow...keren niy..konsepnya bener2 yahuud, pesan tersampaikan...olahannya jugak maniss
ReplyDeletepakai berapa lampu ini?
lightingnya ciamik walau agak keras... konsepnya tak diragukan lg...
ReplyDeletego nikon.....!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know gw tadinya pengen mundur sidang tapi ternyata gabisaaaa kaya anak2 teknik :(
pengen di jadiin campaign beneran :(( gimana caranya yah
2 lampu (dan kayaknya ada yg 3, lupa
FYI ini karya hamnpir setahun yg lalu, jadi agak lupa...maaf ya
ReplyDeletemaksih..kayaknya emang agak over yah? tapi emang pengenny agak halus2 amat sih
bagus ma bagus lanjutkan kampanyenya!!!
ReplyDeletegw suka foto yang arranger sama radio anchor, enak ada background-nya..
ReplyDeleteyang ruang tunggu blum rapi..
yang pembaca berita kameranya agak aneh ya?
yang operator asik2 aja..
yang programmer layarnya fiktif banget! itu PC koq di layar keluarnya Mac OS, hahaha..
anyway, campaign yang sangat bagus! :D
ini TA lo ut ?
ReplyDeletewell..gw gakan komen soal fotonya..
ReplyDeletetp soal campaign nya..
huhuhu..well done ut!!
gw jadi tergerak buat ikut meng-campaign-kan ini loh!
ReplyDeleteyang ruang tunggu blum rapi..---> kejar setoran *sesuai analisis @erga
yang pembaca berita kameranya agak aneh ya?--> sengaja blur dan gw bingung BG-nya apa, hahhaa
yang programmer layarnya fiktif banget! itu PC koq di layar keluarnya Mac OS, hahaha..-->KETAUAAN (doh)
ayoo bantuin yuuk :D
Mitra Netra emang keren. Gw pernah berkunjung ke sana.
ReplyDeletelike this Ut :)