Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ITB Student Orchestra : The Cinema of Life Symphony

Long time not updating this blog. Hope you all still endure my laziness. But anyway, the main problem of the empty length of my blog was because my hard disk capacity. Thank God I bought a new one, named Albatros, now I can edit my photograph again.

About this post, I was taking photograph on a mini concert, held on Usmar Ismail Concert Hall. The concert was initiated by ITB Student Orchestra (ISO). This event was a pre-event from Lustrum (5 year ceremony) of ITB Student orchestra which will be held at March 2010. This concert was the second part of the pre-event concert. The first one was held in Aula Barat ITB.

The Usmar Ismail concert is the first ISO concert that took place in a real and formidable concert hall and also, it is on Jakarta (not Bandung). Let say that it was a great accomplishment during the first 5-year after ISO was formed.

They were so awesome. And I would like to say lots of thanks to people who help me documented this event: Yudhi and Bayu, who gave me their reliance and this opportunity, Aftah, for lending me his incredible wide lens, Opik, for lending me his camera, Echa, for revising every single word I've written, and so many others. I hope the results are not disappointing.

About the result…. I didn’t edit those photos that much. I shoot in RAW mode, and I didn’t add more. Some post productions I did was by only adding vignette and contrast. Well, I don’t know, but I think it has been a good shot from the first so I don’t need to edit more. By the way, I converted all into JPG format using Adobe Lightroom 3.


This time I used:
My Nikon D40 Camera, Keeno
Nikon D80 Camera,
Nikkor 18-135 mm F/3,5-5,6
Nikkor 17-55 mm F/2,8
Star 4 Filter TianYa.
No tripod, no flashlight.

The Hall

Dan akhirnya kami sampai disini. Menuntun melodi, dalam nafas ibukota. Langkah kami semakin kuat. Disini, concert hall pertama kami. Disini, kami akan mempersembahkan The Cinema of Life Symphony

Kepada merekalah, simfoni dipersembahkan. Bukti perjalanan dari menuju 5 tahun perjuangan. Di sini, di tempat ini, concert hall pertama kami.

Behind the stage


First Performer: Guitar Ensemble

Yudovan Vidyan

Spirit of Addie MS


Aning Katamsi Asmoro

The Pianists

Mahening Citravidya

Ibrahim Adnan Nugroho

The next bright young conductor: Muhammad Ghifary and Aditya Farhan Arif

End of the show

ITB Student Orchestra (ISO)


  1. foto2 kelas berat... sangat memukau.. salut!!!

  2. kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  3. kereeeeeeeeeeeeen......anak LFM?

  4. @mic : iyaa, aku anak LFM, udah lulus tapinya
    @ Dadreamerisanda & saptaaji : makasiiiii, tapi blom kelas berat ah...

  5. gw suka foto the performer yang no4 ut ! mantaappp !!


  6. Mauuuuutttttt !!!!! Mangstab Sist... !!!

  7. tes *komen ga penting* wkwkwkwk

  8. @fox : the performer apa first performer?
    @nanuninot :aheyyy..makasih..ajarin aku jugaaa

  9. Lighting dang ekeskusinya ..Superb....

    Hmmm gak terasa sudah 20 tahun...Wah jadi kangen sama aula barat... dan suara gaduh meja LFM,

  10. wahh mantep nih poto2nya..
    ijin unduh yaa.. :D

  11. @ruuuheee : asal kalo mau disebar luaskan bilang2 yaa. hehehe...paling gak kalo buat sendiri sih dimaapkan :P

    @anonymous : would u tell me ur name? gak enak kalo nyapanya anonim
    merci beaoucup
    Alumni lfm?? wah, jangan lupa dateng ke runi akbar atuh. hehe.. *sesama alumni, tapi aku sih masih seger.. :P

  12. waaaw kerenn.... asiik sy kefoto banyak :P ini gak dipasang di FB ya? biar mas addie ms bisa di-tag, sapatau ama beliau dijadiin profile pic, hihi...

    btw, itu yg gitar sendirian kyknya rainhard deh, bukan yudovan...

  13. @siberuang
    huahua, salah nama yak?nama lengkapnya siapa yak? tar gue ganti.
    hihihi, ada bbrp foto aku post ke FB nya mas Addie. Di post di blog biar fotonya tampil maksimal, soalnya begronnya item :D

  14. lihat foto ini lagi jadi kembali ke 7th yg lalu ya.. :)
