Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ngayogyakarta 2007

This was my first visit to Jogjakarta and also first time i used my own camera. Yup...this was the first 100 shoots of my Nikon D40 named Keeno. All photo was taken place in Keraton Jogjakarta.


Each of Keraton roof has this accent. This is one of their way to distinguish between the keraton roof and the ordinary house.

Right here, still waiting ~ Diam Menunggu

The Keraton Jogjakarta guardians come from the member of keraton Jogja itself. The servant serve Keraton hereditary. They serve keraton for livelong...


  1. kapan ke jogja lagi? ada jogja carnaval 16 oktober besok ... maenlah ke jogja

  2. wah, aku ke solo tanggal 2 oktober ini, tp gak ke jogja. Ke nikahan teman aja.

  3. hmm..

    If you wanna go there please let me know..
    I'll show you another part of jogja..

